An App!

This week I made a Shiny interface to the win probability and description services. It can be viewed here. To do this, I had to set up hosting for both Shiny and my Elixir backend service. I also switched from embedding/posting the plots on Plotly to embedding them in the new Shiny application, which should help reduce costs. Learning more about Shiny made implementing the interface relatively simple. The generation of the graphs is now abstracted into a function that grabs JSON data from the API server I set up, which makes it much easier to generate graphs for any desired game.

I would like to make several improvements to the graph next week. Including scores would be helpful. Perhaps most interesting would be implementing automatic “swing-point” detection and adding concise labels for the greatest win probability changes in a game. Finally, it would be nice if there were a way to view which teams played on which days, as right now it’s difficult to find a game that you want to graph.